Thursday morning. Off to School late. 10am start.
No appetite after chemo treatment. However, he tries and brings it back up.
Owen and the rest of the family are completely comfortable now with vomitting. Joel would protest when Owen vomitted at the dinner table. Now, we just hop up, change sick bowls or bags, wipe his face, rub his back and then sit back down for dinner as if nothing happened. It is just a part of life for the minute.
We get a phonecall from school that Owen's temps are over 38. Nan and Grandad pick him up.
And then we wait to see what the night brings us. His temp stays up but we remain hopeful as the house has been healthy. His temp wanders up to 38.5 and down again several times but we sit it out. Off to bed at 11.30pm, set alarm for 2am. His temp stays up all night but he sleeps well.
Check again before leaving for work. Still up 1 degree.
Friday morning:
I call at 8am and he is awake and full of beans. "No Dad, I am not well...... I am excellent...!" Can't argue with that... a broken record... Lets see what today brings..