Friday, April 2, 2010

1/4/10 Day 141. High temperature... Straight to emergency

Owen had his final medication today for the 29 day cycle. Bloods are really really low and he has no neutrophils, therefore he is extremely vulnerable to any bacteria attack. We have been here before so we are confident that he will be fine. He is flat and spends time on the couch.
As we start to wind down getting ready to enjoy the Easter Break, Owen's temperature spiked....! Damn.... We call the cancer ward and they want him in immediately....... So he is admitted through Emergency at 7pm. Looks like 5 days of antibiotics.... Easter in hospital. O was not happy at all with the news that he was going in.... but packed his bags. A bacteria infection without neutrophils is life threatening.

Hope Easter bunny knows where we are......

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