Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13/1/10 Day 62. 2 Months today since diagnosis

As you can see, pace has slowed with the blogging. Owen is at home and we have started to get our head around his better diagnosis. We were traveling at breakneck speed before, and as Owen and I were sleeping in the Hospital, I had time to prepare each blog. Now I am out in the real world, blog time is harder to come by. Also, things have slowed down with Owen's treatment. The earlier treatment plan was for 6 months and it was super intense... The doses were more powerful and the impact was greater, and the outlook, far worse. Now, we are expecting a 3 year treatment plan, and most of it, out of Hospital... finger crossed...
The medication side effects are interesting though. His moods have settled but he is taking steroids and the obsession with food is unbelievable..

The Hero.
As I walk by O's room and see him sleeping quietly, his bald heard reminding me constantly that there is a battle going on, I can only think of how proud I am to be his father.

At present, Owen is missing out on a lot in comparison to everyone else around him. Tonight, Joel and Luke have left for 4 days with Nan and Grandad. We know Owen desperately wants to be with them yet does not complain once. He has a day at the Hospital tomorrow, and we prefer to be close to the Hospital at the moment.

He is our Hero because he never complains...... never. He wonders why he was chosen to have cancer, he is unhappy when he has to get needles, finger pricks, take tablets and medicines that are vile but he just soldiers on. I watch as he dry reaches, with the taste, then, he calms himself down and tries again. He shows no resentment to others as he takes on all the tasks that are laid in front of him. Instead he accepts them all as challenges.

With his central line attached he cannot swim, wrestle, play physical sport. He has been asked not to ride his bike, nor climb trees and he is too tired anyway, but like any other child with a illness, he accepts, revises his aspirations and goals and moves on. Then curls up in bed at the end of another day, filling out puzzle books, reading building books and prepares another list in his head for the next day. You can only marvel.. And it started only 2 months ago........

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