Saturday, January 2, 2010

30/12/09 Day 48. Wednesday.

Business as usual, being a family.. Owen is active doing everything that he would usually do. Mornings are the real difference. He was always the first up, ready to take on the day. As a rule, he had to remain in bed until 7am. Now, he sleeps through the morning light coming into his room, alarms trying to wake him for an exciting morning of fishing in Melbourne (Yes, they still believe that you can catch fish off a pier).

He will sleep in to 8-9 then he starts the day with his first round of tablets. We have given him control of his medication, and there is a ritual which he has, where he prepares yoghurt, cuts his tablets to manageable sizes, cuts soft lollies in half to kill the taste of each tablet, drink bottle is filled and then he starts his breakfast. He has to have food in his stomach before he starts his tablets. The tablets taste terrible and if all goes well then they are gone in 20 minutes. Or nausea takes control within a few mouthfuls of breakfast and he is back bed for an hour or so before he resumes breakfast. Some mornings we are done by Midday. A lot of fun as you are trying to rush out the door for a Doctors appointment.

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